Thursday, August 27, 2020
Franchises as a Form of Business Start-up Essay
Establishments as a Form of Business Start-up - Essay Example The Franchisee thinks that its simpler to pay the underlying and the sovereignty expenses which are route lower than the necessary capital expense. When the expense has become a significant part of the business, Franchising has become a victor for worldwide organizations that plan to enter whatever number markets as could be expected under the circumstances in their worldwide business structure technique. McDonald's is among organizations that have an establishment with an end goal to grow their business inside new markets. The associations have benefitted from fast development, utilization of successful plans of action and diminished cost entering new markets. From this note, diversifying has become a mainstream practice because of its effectiveness in business fire up. Â In the advanced business industry, associations are encountering strain to begin new organizations in the universal market as one method of speaking to greater land space. One significant driver for expansionism in business is the immersion of neighborhood business markets. Prior to the 21st century, association strongly focussed on the development of business inside the neighborhood showcases because of the expanding interest for items inside such markets. Be that as it may, the interest in the neighborhood markets has arrived at a level stage and associations can make little benefits from these business sectors (Francois and Wooton, 2010). At the point when request stays level, associations are at the danger of bringing about misfortunes as costs go higher while the benefit stays steady (Garg, Priem and Rasheed, 2013). Subsequently, associations are compelled to move out of the nearby markets and think about going into new markets. In this manner, fall sought after inside neighb orhood nations has constrained associations to consider engaging a more extensive geological inclusion as the best way to stay gainful. Â Secondly, the upsurge of rivalry inside nearby markets has inspired associations to think about propelling worldwide business systems.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Summary and Reflection of ‘Future of Medicine Perfection and Beyond’ (Chapter 3) of Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku Essay Example
Rundown and Reflection of ‘Future of Medicine: Perfection and Beyond’ (Chapter 3) of Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku Essay The part takes the peruser through an inventive excursion of medication later on. Albeit a portion of the conceivable outcomes proposed seem like material from a sci-fi novel, they depend on rising logical discoveries. One of the subjects examined in the section is the expanding dominance of individuals to ‘play God’. Developing new innovations permit the clinical expert to perform amazing accomplishments of hereditary building. This could occur at different phases of life †from neonatal to palliative. With this capacity, individuals can expand their life expectancies, create resistance to different infections and even frustrate malignant growth utilizing nanotechnology. In part 3, Michio Kaku makes expectations and portrayals of eventual fate of medication in the entirety of its potential signs. We read of ‘nanobots’ that would work at sub-sub-atomic levels in managing contaminations and sicknesses. The creator additionally imagines progression in immature microorganism extraction and usage, whereby, new organs can be ‘harvested’ only with the seed of a couple of undifferentiated cells. On the off chance that this turns into a reality, at that point the requirement for organ transplants will be diminished. All the more critically, by utilizing organs from the patient’s own foundational microorganisms, post usable difficulties are reduced. There is accord inside established researchers about the utilization of such advancements for kindhearted and therapeutic purposes. In any case, questions and questions are brought up in utilizing these innovations for restorative or improvement reasons. These upgrades are well beyo nd what a sound human presence requires. They are intended to give ‘competitive’ advantage over companions in the developmental round of choosing the ‘fittest’ qualities. We will compose a custom exposition test on Summary and Reflection of ‘Future of Medicine: Perfection and Beyond’ (Chapter 3) of Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Summary and Reflection of ‘Future of Medicine: Perfection and Beyond’ (Chapter 3) of Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Summary and Reflection of ‘Future of Medicine: Perfection and Beyond’ (Chapter 3) of Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The author’s projections into what's to come depend on extrapolations of advances that are in their early stages. Henceforth there are various elements that bear on their future turn of events, mainly along political, socio-social, lawful and moral measurements. Be that as it may, disappointingly, Michio Kaku doesn't manage the crossing point of these areas upon the future possibilities of an innovation. Specifically, it is genuinely clear that the author’s essential concern isn't the moral issues encompassing these clinical turns of events. To this degree, the part being referred to, and the book all in all, is deficient. They are, best case scenario, specific and starry-eyed expectations of what will unwind in future innovative social orders. It misses the mark regarding exhibiting our species’ future as an inescapable accommodation to technocracy. Taking everything into account, the work makes for a fascinating read however comes up short on the conviction that goes with actuality. In spite of this defect, one can't excuse it impromptu, for it offers key bits of knowledge into a considerable lot of the bleeding edge mechanical advancements that have occurred lately. For a general crowd that isn't familiar with logical wording, understanding these ideas can be troublesome. To the author’s credit he mitigates this issue by downplaying the languages. He additionally utilizes clear articulations and simple rationale to tissue out his contentions. By and large, perusing the part will be an exciting yet interesting experience for the peruser, as it had been for me. Reference: Kaku, Michio (March 2011). Material science of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny And Our Daily Lives constantly 2100. Doubleday. The part takes the peruser through an innovative excursion of medication later on. Albeit a portion of the potential outcomes proposed seem like material from a sci-fi novel, they depend on rising logical forward leaps. One of the subjects talked about in the part is the expanding authority of individuals to ‘play God’. Advancing new advances permit the clinical expert to perform shocking accomplishments of hereditary building. This could occur at different phases of life †from neonatal to palliative. With this capacity, individuals can enlarge their life expectancies, create invulnerability to different infections and even impede malignant growth utilizing nanotechnology. In part 3, Michio Kaku makes expectations and portrayals of eventual fate of medication in the entirety of its potential appearances. We read of ‘nanobots’ that would work at sub-sub-atomic levels in managing contaminations and ailments. The creator additionally imagines progression in undifferentiated cell extraction and usage, whereby, new organs .
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner :: essays research papers
In Samuel Taylor Coleridge's sonnet The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the creator utilizes the narrative of a mariner and his experiences to uncover parts of life. This story follows the Mariner and his team as they travel between the equator and the south post, and afterward back to England. The writer's utilization of imagery loans the work to grown-ups as a mind boggling web of portrayal, as opposed to a kids' book about a sailor.First, in the sonnet, the boat represents the collection of man. The boat encounters hardships similarly as a genuine individual does. Its conveying the Mariner (representing the individual soul) and team shows that Coleridge considered the to be as a simple vessel of the spirit. This image of a vessel is a particularly amazing one, since one cows a boat to a degree, yet its destiny lies in the hands of the breezes and currents.Secondly, the gooney bird represents Christ. Similarly as the Mariner pointlessly kills the feathered creature, man executes Chris t whose flawlessness is unchallenged. Despite the fact that Christ speaks to humankind's one possibility at accomplishing Heaven, man keeps on abusing Him. The gooney bird represents the mariners' one possibility at liberation from frigid passing and the Mariner shoots him.Thirdly, the South Pole represents Hell. No obvious breeze blows the sad group toward the South Pole. Or maybe, an inconspicuous power pulls them there. Such is the situation when the world's enticements draw one to Hell. Similarly as the mariners approach far to near this frigid limbo, their Redeemer, the gooney bird, or if nothing else his soul, drives them securely back in the privilege direction.Fourthly, in the sonnet England represents Heaven. At the point when the Mariner first observes his nation, an extraordinary feeling of expectation and bliss beat him. Right when the Mariner is going to enter Heaven, the body, represented by the boat, must kick the bucket.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
A Novel About A Vampire Who Disrupts The Lives Of Jonathan...
Bram Stoker’s â€Å"Dracula,†a novel about a vampire who disrupts the lives of Jonathan Harker and his friends, seems to turn the sequence of events into an expression of the fears and anxieties that are prevalent in Victorian society. Lucy Westenra could be seen as the Ideal Victorian woman through her purity and beauty. However, such moments as â€Å"why can’t they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her,†disrupts that idea (64). The novel registers concern about women’s gender and sexuality. Indeed, Dracula can be read as a warning of what will happen to woman who exhibit these behaviors through showing and comparing the experiences of Lucy, the vampire sisters and Mina. Such concerns are resolved by the end of the novel with the death of Lucy and the vampire sisters symbolizing the death of the sexual New Woman. In Dracula, Lucy embodies some of the characteristics of an ideal Victorian woman. She is praised for her exceptional bea uty, with her looks being focused on throughout the novel. She gets attention from a multitude of men and is even proposed to three times in one day. Her attention from these men show that men during this time see perceive Lucy as an ideal Victorian women. In Quincy’s letter to Arthur he describes Arthur as having â€Å"won the noblest heart that God has made and the best worth winning†(Stoker, 68). To men Lucy is the best woman that a man could hope to wed. Quincy also describes Lucy as a â€Å"brave girl†and praises her for her honor to theShow MoreRelatedHomosexuality in Victorian and Elizabethan Literature.6608 Words  | 27 Pagesas a basis for their novels. Bram Stoker told a story about a vampire that challenged the Victorian gender roles and managed to reverse them, making men faint like women, and making women powerful like men, and called it Dracula. Mary Shelley created a a physical being out of a mans suppressed homosexuality due to his Victori an male upbringing; a man named Frankenstein. Robert Stevenson described what happens when a homosexual male attempts to live double lives to cover up his true feelings, and entitled
Friday, May 15, 2020
How Should Schools Address Bullying - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 972 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/02/15 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Bullying Essay School Bullying Essay Did you like this example? In order to establish a more conducive environment for learning, diverse educational institutions, especially K-12 schools, have adopted different strategies and rules to address school bullying. School bullying has adversely affected the lives of millions of individuals all over the United States (US). In a study conducted by John D. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How Should Schools Address Bullying" essay for you Create order Grant, it was explained that around 15% to 20% of American students have been adversely affected by school bullying (Grant 418). It should be noted that Grant’s study was conducted way back in 2001; there have been diverse efforts to quell school bullying since that year, interestingly, the problem still persist, prompting experts in the field of social science and other related fields to conduct studies that try to understand the different factors that make anti bullying initiatives highly effective. Upon a careful consideration of the findings of such scientific studies, this essay argues that, contrary to the common belief that heavier penalties will inevitably lead to the decrease in the occurrence of bullying, the main components that make anti bullying initiatives really work are empathy and consistency. It is tempting to hastily infer that heavier penalties against bullying will surely address the issue. This perception is based on the idea that fear is a very important factor in quelling crimes or inappropriate behaviors. Interestingly, it has been proven time and again, that inflicting fear on â€Å"would be†assailants does not reduce crime rate significantly; this is the case with the concept of preventing heinous crimes by imposing death penalty (Brandt and Kovandzic 1). Diverse studies have shown that this approach does not work at all. While bullying and heinous crimes are different, the idea that inflicting fear for prevention does not work on the former, as well. In fact, in a study conducted by John C. LeBlanc, it was revealed that children who were raised from families that impose harsh discipline, which intends to impose more fear towards the subject, tend to have higher propensity of become school bullies. The same observations were made on students who were brought up on single parent homes, and homes with low cohesion (LeBlanc 411). Note that these findings by LeBlanc suggest that bullies are victims of adverse social environments in their respective homes. As victims, they should also receive help. Thus, it is not surprising to learn that, what is shown to work effectively against bullying is helping bullies develop empathy towards their victims rather them coercing them through fear. In a study conducted by Claire F. Garandeau and her fellow researchers, it was shown that empathy arousal shows better results in preventing future bullying incidents compared to condemning or blaming the perpetrator. One of the most effective ways to arouse the bully’s empathy is make them realize the pains that they have caused to their victims. The study particularly pertained to the fear felt by the bully’s victim as one of the causes that anti-bullying school officials should let the bully know in order to arouse empathy (Garandeau et al. 1036). Another important finding in previous studies that prove the thesis of this paper is shown in a study conducted by Stephanie L. Ayers and her fellow researchers. The study has investigated the impact of sanctions and rules approach in bullying, buy reviewing the records of more than 1, 200 K-12 students in the US. Results of their study revealed that there is not empirical evidence to prove that this approach significantly reduces bullying incidents or improve school safety. What was proven, however, is that schools that tend to implement their rules consistently tend to have lower bullying rates compared to those that are not consistent, and those that focus more on the â€Å"zero-tolerance†policies (Ayers et al. 540). The idea of advocating empathy and consistency instead of heavier or more serious penalties to inflict fear and prevent the occurrence of school bullying is based on the assumption that all school children – spectators, bullies, and victims, included – need help in ensuring their positive youth development and not on finding faults and punishing them. In other words, the proposed approach assumes that spectators, bullies, and victims are all victims of bullying who need help from school officials (LeBlanc 411). Thus bullying can only be efficiently reduced, if not totally stopped, not through coercion but through persuasion (Hui et al. 2266). What appears to be commonsensical is not always the best solution for many social issues like school bullying. For example, it is easy to infer that fear deters bad behaviors; however, diverse scientific studies prove that such is rarely the case. Bullying is far more complex than what it seems; it is caused by diverse factors such as bully’s bad experiences at home. Thus it is important to understand and acknowledge that bully’s need help as much as the victims of bullying. Such help can be given by helping the former learn and develop empathy through the heartfelt and consistent implementation of anti bullying rules and laws within the school environment. Works Cited Ayers, Stephanie L. et al. â€Å"Examining school-based bullying interventions using multilevel discrete time hazard modeling†Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research vol. 13,5 (2012): 539-50. Brandt, Patrick T. and Tomislav V. Kovandzic. â€Å"Messing Up Texas?: A Re-Analysis of the Effects of Executions on Homicides†PloS one vol. 10,9 e0138143. 23 Sep. 2015, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0138143 Garandeau, Claire F. et al. â€Å"School Bullies Intention to Change Behavior Following Teacher Interventions: Effects of Empathy Arousal, Condemning of Bullying, and Blaming of the Perpetrator†Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research vol. 17,8 (2016): 1034-1043. Grant, John D. â€Å"Schoolyard bullying: It needs to be addressed†Paediatrics child health vol. 6,7 (2001): 418-20. Hui, Eadaoin K. P. et al. â€Å"Combating school bullying through developmental guidance for positive youth development and promoting harmonious school culture†TheScientificWorldJournal vol. 11 (2011): 2266-77. LeBlanc, John C. â€Å"Bullying: Its not just a school problem†Paediatrics child health vol. 6,7 (2001): 411-413.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Notes On Human Resource Management - 3007 Words
HRM502 Human Resource Management Submitted by: Submitted to: Andrea Sloan Final Report of Holden EXECTIVE SUMMARY Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Layoff planning of Holden 4 2.1Downsizing 5 2.2 Alternatives to downsizing 5 2.3 Limitations 5 2.4 Benefits of downsizing for Holden 6 3. Performance management system in Holden 6 3.1 Set and regularly revise HOLDEN Directives 7 3.2 Translate Holden Directives to Goals throughout organization 7 3.3 Performance appraisal 7 3.4 Training and development 8 3.5 Job redesign 8 4. Reward Management system of Holden 8 4.1 Motivation 9 4.2 Job satisfaction 9 4.3 Compensation 10 4.4 Benefits to employees†¦show more content†¦Due to which we decide to down size the workforce with the help of retrenchment programs for the skill workforce to maintain the Holden manufacturing within its financial budget. This retrenchment program will be designed as a voluntary retrenchment program in which, we allowed the employees and gave them an opportunity to leave the Holden by them. In short the cut down of employees to move forward. With this program the rest of the employees feel safe with their job because we are not firing our self any employee (Musteen, 2011).The retrenchment can cause more high class thinking among the employees which can be adapted for the long time in Holden. 2.1 Downsizing: Downsizing focused on altogether at expense control frequently neglects to turn around the fortunes of Holden confronting decrease, since it may neglect to perceive the underlying reason for the expense emergency. Downsizing could be an alternate apparatus in the managerial pack sack to put the Holden headed straight toward command instead of death. Downsizing need not be a touchy, transient brisk fix, nor does it fundamentally include sudden, extreme layoffs and serious hierarchical disturbance. It should be carefully manage because talent management and skill workforce would be needed as a backup of Holden, so the main idea is to downsize the casual workforce or part time workers and use a casualization strategy for the permanent workforceShow MoreRelatedNotes On Human Resource Management Essay2237 Words  | 9 Pages805: Human Resource Management in Innovation Facilitator Fiona Tyrie Assignment # 1 Total No. of Pages 8 (Including cover) Submission Date 22/04/2015 Date received by facilitator ------------------- Date returned to student ------------------- 1. Purpose Human resource is a vital component of every organisation for their effective function and achievement of their objectives. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Reflective Report Global Citizenship
Question: Discuss about theReflective Report for Global Citizenship. Answer: Introduction: Reflection on Interviews: I must say that prior getting contacted with the students of La Trobe I only had theoretical knowledge about global citizenship or inter-cultural communication. The interviews that were conducted by me helped me to enhance my knowledge towards the concept of Global citizen. Interviewing the students of La Trobe helped me a lot to develop my understanding. All the students were very cooperative and they gracefully participated in my academic project. I do not have to make any kind of formality with them and they responded to my queries very enthusiastically. The University has students from around the Globe including USA, Europe and Asian countries like Bangladesh, India as well. It is for the same reason I got the opportunity of understanding the Global culture. I observed that the students from the Asian Countries especially from India and Bangladesh felt a little awkward while sharing their experience or interviewing with me. It was perhaps because they were not so fluent in Englis h. I observed that they had a different accent of English and they usually face problems to understand the accent of the Australian or the students who has US origin. I must include that the University has opened its door for any person seeking for academic opportunities and has been successful as well in attracting students from around the Globe. The university is highly been internationalized in terms of its culture as well as education system. In terms of Global Citizenship I must say that the Australia based students were very friendly towards the other students and I did not find any kind of mismatch among these people. They were friends. This has automatically given me the impression that the people have adopted global citizenship irrespective of any kind of forceful act. Therefore, I can say that these things or characteristics develop within an individual when they fall under such situation. At the time of conducting the interviews, when I asked a few foreigners about their future plans, they said they shall return to their own country and shall continue their professional life there only. I have observed that many students from around the Globe come to Australia to pursue their education but they are not found to continue their professional career here. There was a girl who had plans for marriage in her future rather than any other professional goals. In such cases, I can say that it completely depends on a persons choice and thinking about their future goals. If certain issues that I shall identify in terms of the native people then I must take this into consideration that the culture of the people are not same. European and especially the British people are much disciplined and they want to live a peaceful life, they are not the exact fun loving people. I have observed that they were very direct to their answer rather than making any kind of fun. There has been an att itude of these people that showed that they are superior to others. On the other hand, when I asked the same thing to an Australia origin student, I found that they are more fun loving and they like to enjoy their time more than devoting it to studies or other serious activities. My second round of interview was also conducted in the premises of La Trobe University. I found that not only the students but other faculties of the University were also supportive and they nicely spoke to me and answered my queries. At a certain point of time, I faced problem regarding because one of the authorities was busy and could not make it up for the face to faced interview. Nevertheless, we had a telephonic conversation and he answered my queries over the phone calls only. It has to be mentioned here that there is a major difference between a face to face interview and that is done over the phone. I was completely unaware of the body language of the person and whether the questions were clear to him or not. Furthermore, it might also happen that the person could not link the queries with himself and just gave a neutral answer to the questions that I asked without further going into details. In terms of multi-cultural work place, I must say that Australia is rich in its multi-cultural diversity. The people are very friendly and they are present to help each at every instance (Isin, 2013). In terms of higher authority as well, there were many people who do not have their origin here in Australia but they are at quite a high designated position. This clearly states that the Australian culture supports the inter-cultural relationship and other forms of interactions. I have understood that it is only by the help of the people of a particular nation, others can learn about the culture and the ethics of a particular country (Reysen Katzarska-Miller, 2013). It will be a wrong expectation from a person who has come from abroad to acknowledge things about the nation that they are currently residing in. Therefore, it can be easily claimed that it is the responsibility of the people of the country to teach others about their culture and other diversities. In case, if it is found t hat a person from the abroad is not able to match themselves with the culture of the new country, it is the responsibility of the citizen of that country to help him or her to overcome such challenges (Martin Nakayama, 2013). Human behaviour and the treatment that one get in a foreign country implies the culture of that country. If I have to find certain flaws in the University that does not support internationalization, then it has to be mentioned that the University does not offer any kind of other language courses for the foreign students. The University might start a number of courses or subjects that are related to the European or the French culture (, 2016). In fact, the Indian history is also important and it attracts many students towards learning and understanding the culture and history of India. Moreover, the University has the provision of a good number of Asian students. Therefore, it is recommended that the University come up with a diversification of courses in its academic lists that shall attract more students. In addition to this, there should be strict guidelines drawn for the students that irrespective ones culture or ethnic background, each and every student must be treated equally and with respect. There are a variety of ethnic groups and their culture varies from one grou p to the other (Watkins Glover, 2016). Adapting to this dynamic nature of a particular place or region makes a person eligible to cope to with the culture. It has to be remembered that schools or Universities are the places where people learn things that is portrayed in their later life situations. Therefore, providing a proper education in terms of understanding the nature of the diversity in the world is important (Keyman Iduygu, 2013). It has to be understood that each and every country has their own culture, language, tradition that marks them with a separate identification. However, this difference shall not become a threat for the world. It is for the same reason, understanding the importance of being culturally diverse and the ability of tolerance towards other culture is important. Reflection on Weekly Discussion: The weekly discussions were based on several factors like global citizenship, intercultural communication and other such topics. In terms of understanding these concepts I must say that I was completely unaware of the actual meaning of these terms. Primarily I used to think that a person who has got the citizenship of the whole world is said to be a Global citizen however, my misconception was cleared after I attended the weekly discussion classes. I have understood that Global citizenship is a kind of responsibility that has to be undertaken by an individual to become a part of the globe (Keyman Iduygu, 2013). In this emerging world, there has been increasing impact of globalization and it is for the same reason, it has become important that an individual must have the sense of global citizenship and must be aware of the lifestyle and the culture of the people from around the world. In case of understanding the intercultural communication, one thing is clear to me that diversity in terms of culture is highest in the academic institutions rather than any other places. I have understood that the ability of a person to undertake the difference of culture varies. Some have limited capability to deal with culturally diverse people and it is when a dilemma arises between two people. Interaction is very important to understand the culture of other people. Segregation and narrow communication has declined the opportunity of people to know about each other and develop a better understanding of the cultural diversity. In this respect, it has to be mentioned that with the increasing impact of the availability of internet and the development of various social networking sites as well, the opportunity of knowing people from different countries having different culture and ethnic background has increased a lot. People support other people of different nations by any raising t heir voice using the social media as the basic platform. In the recent gay-lesbian movement, whole world found to support the people asking for their basic rights. These are the symptoms that shows that the difference of the cultural barrier is decreasing and the people are getting involved in making themselves a part of the world culture. Another perspective of culture that I like to mention here is that there has been an increasing havoc regarding the increasing terrorism activities. It has been pointed out that the Muslim or the Arab nations are the main reason behind the declining situation of the worlds safety. It is for the same reason there has been a creation of terror among the people in respect to this particular Islam culture. However, in my opinion, terrorism has nothing to do with religion. The reasons are different for the increasing terror activities and it has nothing to do with the culture or the religion of a place or people (Fonagy et al., 2016). If a particular religion has a definite culture and customs, it shall be addressed with greater respect. The best understanding about the intercultural behaviour and communication as well was gained at the time of interaction with the people of the University. The kind of enthusiasm that the students showed at the time of participation was very encouraging. People there had different attitudes towards the program but with the answers received from them it was evident that the students understand the importance of cultural diversity in the society (Keyman Iduygu, 2013). The University has a website of them, which was also helpful. There were students available for online chats and used to help to resolve any kind of query at any point of time. They respect each others culture and with the passage of time, they have developed a mutual understanding for each others. It has to be mentioned here that making distinction in respect to different cultural values will result in the increase of hatred and difference and shall not improve the condition of the world (Keyman Iduygu, 2013). I can share my personal experience here. I have never been culturally or ethically being bullied or disrespected. I have friends who belong to different cultures and are from different countries of the world but these factors never created any kind of negative impact in my life. I have to say that I have improved my personality a lot by keeping a good contact with these groups of people. In fact the interview session at La Trobe was also a learning experience for me. All these things are definitely going to help me in my future both in my academic career as well as in professional career. References: Bradham, W. S., Collins, S., Miller, K., Carlise, J., Sperling, M., Fermann, G. J., ... Spinale, F. G. (2013). Profiling Determinants Reflective of Heart Failure and Matrix Remodeling Stratify Patients Presenting With Acute Dyspnea and Early Hospital Readmission.Circulation,128(Suppl 22), A13825-A13825. Carbaugh, D. (2013).Cultural communication and intercultural contact. Routledge. Casmir, F. L. (2013).Ethics in intercultural and international communication. Routledge. Fonagy, P., Luyten, P., Moulton-Perkins, A., Lee, Y. W., Warren, F., Howard, S., ... Lowyck, B. (2016). Development and validation of a self-report measure of mentalizing: the Reflective Functioning Questionnaire.PloS One,11(7), e0158678. Isin, E. F. (2013).Democracy, citizenship and the global city. Routledge. Jandt, F. E. (2015).An introduction to intercultural communication: Identities in a global community. Sage Publications. Keyman, F., Iduygu, A. (2013).Citizenship in a global world: European questions and Turkish experiences. Routledge., 2016 La trobe University, Available at: [Retrieved on: 2-08-2016] Martin, J. N., Nakayama, T. K. (2013).Experiencing intercultural communication. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Reysen, S., Katzarska-Miller, I. (2013). A model of global citizenship: Antecedents and outcomes.International Journal of Psychology,48(5), 858-870. Watkins, P., Glover, A. (2016). Future Generations: Developing Education for Sustainability and Global Citizenship for University Education Students. InTeaching Education for Sustainable Development at University Level(pp. 67-81). Springer International Publishing.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Vision of Changes in McDonalds
Table of Contents Introduction Application Analysis Lessons Learned Reference List Introduction The application of change initiatives in business is as important as in any other branch of human activity. Sooner or later every company encounters necessity of applying changes in the organization due to changes that take place in the areas such as technology, corporate governance, evaluation of leadership competencies, and other concepts related to the sector of business including marketing strategies and sustainable competitive advantage.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Vision of Changes in McDonalds specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More So, the strategic change initiative should be thoroughly planned in order to result in successful changes in future regarding the period when changes should be implemented. One of the strategic change initiatives includes vision of the changes with regard to the vision statement whi ch shapes the whole strategy for changes, mission statement which justifies the reasons for change and indicates the highest point to strive for; finally, the change strategy is the set of approaches that should be used to reach the goals stated in the mission or at least to approximate to those. The changes that should be introduced in McDonalds concern the attitude of customers, reputation of the company, and reaction of staff members. Application Analysis As suggested by Palmer, Dunford, and Akin (2008), each change implemented in organization should have its own image and should be built in accordance with a certain strategic change initiative vision. So, the application of changes with regard to vision of these changes should be analyzed in order to evaluate effectively the effects expected from this change, the way the change was applied, the attitude of employees in the process of implementation and final results of the change application. In other words, it is necessary to t ake into account the change outcomes expected to be reached after application of strategic change initiative as reported by (Palmer, Dunford, and Akin, 2008), they can be intended (p. 25), partially intended or unintended (p. 26). Thus, the change that should be introduced in McDonalds can be considered intended or partially intended regarding the nature of external factors that can shift priorities and attitude of employees including their understanding of importance of changes applied to this business.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lessons Learned The application of strategic change initiative requires certain sense of the situation because the change can be partially intended or unintended due to external factors and lack of underground for implementation of theoretical issues into practice. Besides, what is good for one business in terms of competitive advantage or cor porate governance is not applicable to another business due to relation with customers, engagement of personnel, and other concepts. A practicing manager could create a plan for application of strategic change initiatives with the help of vision concepts including vision statement, mission statement, and strategy in terms of approaches suitable for the case. The more thorough is the plan of application, the more successful can be its application to business because a practicing manager should identify some risks that can occur and be ready to solve problems related to strategic change initiatives application. The strategic change initiative was applied in accordance with the plan including identification of vision and mission statements, and selection of approaches necessary for effective reaching of intended change outcomes. Some mistakes that could occur in this situation could be fixed with the help of a detailed analysis of every step taken before the changes occurred and identi fication of mistakes. Reference List Palmer, I., Dunford, R., Akin, G. (2008). Managing organizational change. 2nd ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill. This essay on Vision of Changes in McDonalds was written and submitted by user Julieta Estes to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
The Savior of the Internet Professor Ramos Blog
The Savior of the Internet A man feeling as if he is being chained down. Internet companies might start making people pay more just to use streaming services like Netflix and Hulu. Everyone in this modern day and age uses the internet in some way or form. It doesn’t matter if you use it to: see the weather, get updates on the news, solve a debate with a friend, school research, or more recreational uses. This wonderful technological tool has become a part of everyone’s daily lives. Because of this companies make you pay a good amount of money just to use the internet under their service. Some people have to budget just to be able to afford their own internet service, and the people that can’t afford it go to public libraries and other places like that. Net Neutrality preserves this way of life, giving regulation to the internet companies forcing them to not charge extra on content that they deem to be a luxury, allowing freedom of speech, and creating healthy competition among other newer companies. Net Neutrality was something that came out of no where. It wasn’t expected and no one thought of it being a necessary thing because the internet was â€Å"doing fine by itself.†â€Å"ISPs can compromise free speech protections in a variety of ways. The first is through traffic shaping, a practice that involves slowing down some forms of traffic, like file-sharing, while giving others priority. This is accomplished by limiting available bandwidth, which enables ISPs to favor certain categories of speech over others.†(Lamparello 18) A more physical example of this would be you paying a water company for good water pressure so that you can shower, but you could only shower in the middle of night at 3AM because any other times you tried to shower the water would come out in a drizzle because someone else, that is paying more money then you for their shower, gets first priority even though you pay for the service to be available 24/7. In some cases it was found that everyone’s speeds would be reduced to compensate for everyone using it at the same time resulting in no one getting usable internet as it would come to a grinding irritating holt. This is just one of the problems that comes with non-regulated internet companies. One of the biggest reasons that people believe that Net Neutrality is necessary is because it breaks our first amendment, freedom of speech. Companies, without Net Neutrality regulating them, are allowed to block and put up barriers to any site that they choose. â€Å"Many Internet practitioners in the United States are anticipating a wider digital divide among students whose families can afford ISP packaging for wider access online and those students whose cannot afford additional access pricing.†(Cook 1) This can also range from making people pay more money to be even be allowed to stream from Netflix (this doesn’t include the cost of the service itself) to completely blocking sites that the companies do not agree with for example certain religious sites, and there is nothing you can legally do about this. This is a complete violation of our rights that is being completely overlooked because of it being on the internet. Since the internet is more of a new thing compared to the lifespan of America, the laws have not caught up with this new technology. â€Å"Justice Scalia chastised his colleagues for their ‘indefensible’ refusal to grapple with the broader question of how the Fourth Amendment should apply to new technology. While recognizing that formulating a test ‘may sometimes be difficult,’ Scalia nonetheless contended that ‘when it is necessary to decide a case we have no choice.’ Predicting that the pluralitys fact-specific ruling amounted to a ‘heavy-handed hint’ to future courts, which would, in turn, invite more litigation, Scalia concluded that ‘[t]he times-they-are-a-changin is a feeble excuse for disregard of duty. (Kirtley 1) Net Neutrality was supposed to be the bridge that we needed to make the laws clear cut. Now that we are without it, it is very similar to having to deal with monopolies all over again. Companies can spend more money to have their pages or content displayed more often and more visibly. Doing this gives little room for more competition to rise allowing for the companies to charge whatever they want for their products and these spots no matter if the product is good or not. With all of this in mind I believe we should bring back Net Neutrality because it will be better for the general populous that uses the internet. Net Neutrality will leave internet service to be more affordable for everyone and not just feed into the people that are willing to shell out the most cash. Not only all of that but it will help protect our rights as US citizens, by not allowing companies to filter what we want to know about or what we stream in our free time. The best plan of action to start to fix these problems is to just raise awareness. When this bill first came out, even I fell into the hole of ignorance surrounding this subject. I asked all of my friends and everyone seemed to have conflicting answers on what being for or against Net Neutrality means. It wasn’t until I researched Net Neutrality was I able to finally see the confusion and pick the side that I believe to be correct. I also believe that the vast majority of people would agree with my choice in this debate. Nothing can stop all of us from making the best decision for ourselves if we all take the time to read on this very important and life changing topic. Don’t just take what I am saying as the â€Å"end all be all†voice on this subject, please read it for yourself. Cook, Vickie S. â€Å"Net Neutrality: What Is It and Why Should Educators Care?†Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, vol. 80, no. 4, Summer 2014, pp. 46–49. This article talks about how without Net Neutrality educators have a harder time educating students because they would have to pay money out of pocket for supplemental educational videos and internet access in general. I am going to use this article to show that without Net Neutrality it is highly possible that we are putting unnecessary fanatical burdens on our educators and taking away resources that were previously accessible to help teach. This article was written by an educator that holds a PHD and specializes in online learning, research, and service. Gà ³mez-Barroso, Josà © Luis, and Claudio Feijà ³o. â€Å"Viewpoint: Asymmetries and Shortages of the Network Neutrality Principle.†Communications of the ACM, vol. 54, no. 4, Apr. 2011, pp. 36–37. This article talks about how even with Net Neutrality implemented there will still inadvertently be unfair situations for the CPs that will just cause more issues for everyone overall because of the way search engines are set up and how the placement of business will effect their load speeds. This all in turn giving grounds for it to not be a fair system for the CPs. I am going to use this article as counter argument to help solve the issues brought up on the other side properly. The writer is an associate professor in the Department of Applied Economics and Economic History. Hong, Guo, et al. â€Å"Effects of Competition among Internet Service Providers and Content Providers on the Net Neutrality Debate.†MIS Quarterly, vol. 41, no. 2, June 2017, pp. 353-A29. This article talks about how Net Neutrality effects the competition between Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Content Providers (CPs) and brings up a multitude of propositions to create a fair solution between the ISPs and the CPs. I will be using this to show that without Net Neutrality ISPs can force CPs to pick between paying extra money and being heavily monitored by the ISP or never getting any foot traffic, having extremely slow load speeds for their content, and the possibility of being blocked out all together by the ISP. This article was written by: multiple professors of Business to explain the logical possibilities of the companies, multiple professors of Mathematics to come up with formulas to back up the logical reasoning behind the speculations being made, and to help make formulas for the solutions being proposed, multiple professors of computers and information management. All of the professors having prestigious awards and/or having previous works published and a couple of them have PHDs in their respective fields. Kirtley, Jane E. â€Å"Virtual Freedom: Net Neutrality and Free Speech in the Internet Age.†Jurimetrics: The Journal of Law, Science Technology, vol. 50, no. 4, Summer 2010, pp. 539–544. This source talks about how the Supreme Court is not ruling on how privet information should be handled over the internet or technological devises in general for fear of the ruling not being favorable later in unforeseen events in growth of technology. The source then talks about how this is giving companies the ability to ignore their obligations to give open information on the internet and the ability to block sites that the companies don’t like. I am going to be using this to show how without Net Neutrality companies are able to hold a lot of power by controlling our flow of information and exploiting it. This source is very reliable being a scholarly article being written by 2 professors of Media Ethics and Laws and that has been peer reviewed by a different professor of Media Ethics and Laws. This article also gives multiple sited reliable sources. Lamparello, Adam. â€Å"The Internet Is the New Marketplace of Ideas: Why Riley V. California Supports Net Neutrality.†Journal of Art, Technology Intellectual Property Law, vol. 25, no. 2, Spring 2015, pp. 267–291. This article touches on how without Net Neutrality the 1st Amendment may be violated through the censorship of companies on the internet. By drawing parallels to what a town square would be to the internet, they say that free speech should be a right in both situations. I am going to use this article to show that by drawing parallels to a past court case the next logical step would be to equate net neutrality to the protection of our first amendment rights. The article was written by a professor of law at Indiana tech law school.
Monday, February 24, 2020
IMPACTS OF A BORDERLESS SOCIETY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
IMPACTS OF A BORDERLESS SOCIETY - Essay Example Historically, most perishable foods were produced and sold locally, as there was no way of efficiently transporting these products across long distances. However, the increase of technology and globalization has meant that food sold in one city is often produced in a different part of the country, or somewhere else in the world entirely (Halweil, 2002). It is now estimated that food travels 1,500 miles on average from when it is produced to when it is consumed. This includes food being produced on one side of the country and sent to the other, or being produced locally, transported to distribution centers a significant distance away and finally transported back to local supermarkets (Prentice et al., 2010). Another estimation considers that food has changed hands at least six times between where it was produced and where it is sold (Kloppenburg Jr., Hendrickson, & Stevenson, 1996). For the food components that were part of my meals, the initial stages of these products would have been produced on agricultural or dairy farms. For example, dairy products would have been used in the production of the cheese, milk and yoghurt. From that point, the raw product, such as milk, would be sold perhaps to a manufacturer or to a middleman who would later sell it to a manufacturer. The manufacturer (e.g. Yoplait) makes use of raw ingredients sourced from throughout the country and the world to create their product. Generally the manufacturer chooses suppliers that can produce a significant quantity, are reliable, and are low in price. The manufacturer may sell their product directly to suppliers, or may pass it on to a distributer. The distributer then sells the product to the store where it is to be sld to individual consumers, such as a supermarket. The number of steps would be smaller for produce and other products that do not require as much processing, however, I did
Friday, February 7, 2020
Does stakeholder theory provide a better basis for the development of Coursework
Does stakeholder theory provide a better basis for the development of Corporate Governance in the 21st century than agency theor - Coursework Example It is important to understand the meaning of corporate governance to be able to fully discuss its features. Even though there are different variables that come into play because of the different operating environments in different nations, corporate governance may refer to that process that leads to effective control, direction and accountability in organizations. As a result, corporate governance involves elements like control, co-ordination, direction and the checks and balances associated with management of organizations. In addition to the definition of the term corporate governance, it is equally important to point out that the practice has evolved over the years to become a more complex but essential feature for the success of contemporary organizations. The concept of corporate governance has been fast adopted in various parts of the world but with some major variations because of the different circumstantial variations of nations (Clarke 2004). Consequently, there have been d ifferent frameworks of corporate governance that have emerged as a result of this. However, there are two main approaches of corporate governance that can be identified. ... at had a tradition of common law like Australia, United Kingdom, USA, Canada and New Zealand developed corporate governance structures that focused on shareholders’ returns or interests. In their case, corporate governance was supposed to ensure that corporations achieved the objectives set by their owners. Consequently, the two main corporate governance approaches have been termed as insider and outsider approaches respectively. Having reviewed the background of corporate governance it is therefore important that the theories of corporate governance that have been put forth be discussed. Theories of Corporate Governance There are two theories of corporate governance that have been proposed by scholars and of which will form a basis for this discussion. They include the stakeholder theory and the agency theory as discussed below. The Stakeholder Theory Also referred to as the stewardship theory, the theory proposed by Freeman is based on the argument that organizations have a wider obligation of serving the general interests rather than just attaining the capitalistic goal of wealth maximization (Mulili and Wong 2011). The theory holds that firms are socially responsible to all parties that interact with it or those that are affected by the firms’ quest on achieving its set objectives (Freeman et al 2010). As a result, corporate are said to be socially responsible to their stakeholders, that is, the suppliers, employees, clients, shareholders, interest groups and the government among other industry actors they are directly or indirectly involved with. It has been noted that stakeholders are important to corporations because the manner in which they are handled determines their feedback (Gregg 2001). For instance, when they get more in terms of value or extra
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Four Eras of Writing Essay Example for Free
Four Eras of Writing Essay History has evolved over the last two centuries. In the introduction to Interpretations of American History edited by Francis G. Couvares, et al., he states that the transition of the way history was interpreted has only â€Å"linked the past more strongly to the present†(Couvares 1). Before, historians –mostly white male- used to report only about â€Å"male†topics but since then, different issues have transformed the way history used to be. Over the last 400 years, the four different stages that have reshaped the writing of American history have been the providential, the rationalist, the nationalist, and the professional. Late- nineteenth-century historians, usually called â€Å"historicists†or â€Å"positivists†believed that history was like science and with practice it could be solved. According to Couvares, Croce believed that Positivists were faulty in their assumptions because history was perceived differently every time it was written down since no one thinks exactly alike. With so many different views, historians are usually adding more and more information to each other’s perceptions. Couvares says that â€Å"history is historiography, the study of history and its changing interpretations†(Couvares 3). When interpreting history, historians were influenced by their personal circumstances, beliefs, and environment. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, all through the Civil War, historians wrote a form of â€Å"providential history†(Couvares 4). Puritans – usually ministers, magistrates, and women- wished to â€Å"justify the ways of God to man, and vice-versa†(Couvares 4) in their history. They interpreted what was happening at the time as a sign of God wanting them to move forward which led them to believe that the Revolution was a win for â€Å"reformed†Christianity. With the European Enlightenment, came more of an intellectual and natural way of thinking. Couvares notes how the â€Å"rationalist historians†, greatly influenced by Newton and Locke, prospered along with the people who had been at the top of the colonies before. During this stage, the progress of reason (Couvares 5), as they called it, was their new belief. Most historians during this time were wealthy and with a high position in society, hence the style of their writing. Because of the way they thought of themselves, their history explained how the enlightened world was a success because of men like them. According to Couvares, Jeffersons Notes on the State of Virginia very much sums up the thought of the rationalists where they were the ones who achieved greatness, it wasnt God driven. However, the rationalists were not that far off from the providential its because their story still pointed upward (Couvares 6). As the nineteenth century went on, historians started to see America as the triumph of Anglo-Saxon people over inferior races (Couvares 6). They thought that because America had overcome other inferior races that they were better. Couvares explains how Bancroft organized Americas history around three themes: progress, liberty, and Anglo-Saxon destiny (Couvares 6). This is where the third stage comes in. Their idea that the Teutonic people were supposed to spread freedom across the globe was the start to their sense of pride, love, and nationalism. Not only were men, but also female historians hooked on this idea. Helen Hunt Jackson wrote about white-Indian relations, which at the time was a big obstacle to jump; while at the same time anthropologists beginning to study these relationships. Around the 1870s, though, Bancroft seemed like the past and the future possibilities were just around the corner. As universities started being built and education was more common among the middle class, history was becoming a profession. Practiced by the people who had access to advanced education, white men, they started concerning themselves with specialized training, research methodology, and educational credentials (Couvares 7). Adams and Turner both shared the belief of applying Darwins method to history. Adams argued that history was like physics and that it could be deciphered the same way. Even though Adams couldnt accomplish his goal, Turner did while at the same time seeming connected to the nationalists is sharing a little bit of their beliefs. Throughout the first half of the twentieth century, another type of professionals emerged. These Progressive historians, unlike the Adams, saw history as politics and not as science. They believed that science was needed to produce usable facts, and art to persuade people to act on them (Couvares 9) but it was political action what they wanted to accomplish with it; which could be why Progressives could be classified as reformers. Basically, their point was that the function of history â€Å"was to uncover the economic basis of political ideas†¦and educate the citizenry†(Couvares 9). In the end, with the Great Depression going on and the Second World War, the question that was raised was whether or not if the history had prepared them. Nobody could have foreseen what was going to happen, and eventually history continues to be written everyday and like Couvares pointd out, â€Å"history is an act of interpretation†(Couvares 1).
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Lost Tools of Learning :: Teaching Education
The Lost Tools of Learning "The Lost Tools of Learning" was first presented by Dorothy Sayers at Oxford in 1947. It is copyrighted by National Review, 150 East 35th Street, New York, NY 10016, and reproduced here with their permission. That I, whose experience of teaching is extremely limited, should presume to discuss education is a matter, surely, that calls for no apology. It is a kind of behavior to which the present climate of opinion is wholly favorable. Bishops air their opinions about economics; biologists, about metaphysics; inorganic chemists, about theology; the most irrelevant people are appointed to highly technical ministries; and plain, blunt men write to the papers to say that Epstein and Picasso do not know how to draw. Up to a certain point, and provided the the criticisms are made with a reasonable modesty, these activities are commendable. Too much specialization is not a good thing. There is also one excellent reason why the veriest amateur may feel entitled to have an opinion about education. For if we are not all professional teachers, we have all, at some time or another, been taught. Even if we learnt nothing--perhaps in particular if we learnt nothing--our contribution to the discussion m ay have a potential value. However, it is in the highest degree improbable that the reforms I propose will ever be carried into effect. Neither the parents, nor the training colleges, nor the examination boards, nor the boards of governors, nor the ministries of education, would countenance them for a moment. For they amount to this: that if we are to produce a society of educated people, fitted to preserve their intellectual freedom amid the complex pressures of our modern society, we must turn back the wheel of progress some four or five hundred years, to the point at which education began to lose sight of its true object, towards the end of the Middle Ages. Before you dismiss me with the appropriate phrase--reactionary, romantic, mediaevalist, laudator temporis acti (praiser of times past), or whatever tag comes first to hand--I will ask you to consider one or two miscellaneous questions that hang about at the back, perhaps, of all our minds, and occasionally pop out to worry us. When we think about the remarkably early age at which the young men went up to university in, let us say, Tudor times, and thereafter were held fit to assume responsibility for the conduct of their own affairs, are we altogether comfortable about that artificial prolongation of intellectual childhood and adolescence into the years of physical maturity which is so marked in our own day?
Monday, January 13, 2020
Disregard of Moral Values Lead to Unethical Deeds Essay
This greed for money has crossed the limits of all ethical standards, regard and consideration for fellow men, or sympathy and compassion. All these things seem to have gone with the wind and are among the major casualties of the post-independence period. This development can be considered quite a new one, probably an accompaniment of the modern technological development which is . taking place rapidly in this country, as the malaise has especially afflicted the young and the middle aged people. The increasing attraction towards the modern glamorous lifestyles, big cars and bungalows, gorgeous dresses and jewellery has such effect on people that they would not hesitate to resort tovalues all means, unfair to acquire wealth and all luxuries of life. This mad obsession for reaching the top is the dream of everybody, and as such the moral and ethical values do not seem to have any place. Morality is often defined as the doctrine of actions right or wrong it is synonymous with ethics. Moralists are selfless and preach justice in every sphere of life. If people tend to observe morals, they will constitute a healthy and sound society. Morality knows nothing of the geographical boundaries or distinctions of race or color in modern age, the traditional values which are in themselves moral and symbols of rectitude, have been radically transformed. Most of the principles are in a flux and human convictions based a rich human experience are in the melting pot. Obsessions with circumstances and the peculiar conditions prevailing in a region have proved so overpowering that everything else is thrown overboard. Excessive wealth does not necessarily promote culture and intelligence. In fact, the ostentatious and luxurious living that wealth promotes, causes a notable deterioration in character and conception of values. Rarely do highly intelligent people, famous writers or artiest belong to rich families. Since wealth itself has the habit of diminishing fast, most of those who possess it go to any extent, even to the adoption of unethical practices and dishonesty to acquire more wealth. This leads to further decay and deterioration of character. India’s Poet Laureate, Rabindra Nath Tagore warned. â€Å"Greed of wealth and power can never have a limit; a compromise on self-control can never attain the final spirit of reconciliation.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Creationism Vs. Evolution - 1130 Words
Where do we come from? The creation of the world has been told through many different stories, and from a variety of religions across the world. The argument between evolution and creation has been debated back and forth for years. So how do we know which claim is correct? Has all life evolved from simple bacteria to all the species that appear today, or did life on earth begin with Gods creation of Adam from dust and his partner Eve from adam’s rib bone. As a child I grew up attending church every Sunday with my grandparents, attending bible school, and taught the ways of the Lord. I wouldn’t know any different until my eyes were opened in biology class where the theory of Evolution is justified. There are different explanations to†¦show more content†¦This occurs when a species is separated and mate with a different species, changing their genetic composition, if then the two species were to be brought back together and mate again, it would cause what is cal led ‘gene migration’. This process gives so many different variations among the species, which allows more and more variation and population. This process also explains endangered species and extinction. The main controversy creationist have with accepting the theories of evolution is how all different life forms were produced using genetic material that was present and reproduced from the first living cells. Yet this claim has not fully been proved correct, scientific discoveries and theories have given it great justice so far. Aside from genetic variation, crossbreeding, survival of the fittest etc. Such drastic changes from species to species are due to mutations. In most eyes, mutations are considered to be harmful and destructive. Which is true in some cases, but they are also beneficial in the case of genetics and evolution. Many helpful mutations are incorporated into the normal genotype through natural selection, and when harmful mutations do occur the process of natural selection kills that mutation off. Without randomly occurring mutations, there would have been no development of life and no evolution would have taken place. Many religious people in factShow MoreRelatedEvolution Creationism Vs. Creationism924 Words  | 4 PagesAny point of contact with the scientific world in the 21st century will eventually lead one to the one of the most hotly contested topic in American education, that of evolution versus creationism. While the creationist point of view, as well as the evolutionary perspective, hosts a great variation of opinion amongst its supporters, Christianity is brought to the center stage time after time (Vuletic, 1994). Literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis’ account of creation falls contrary to theRead More Evolution Vs. Creationism Essay1323 Words  | 6 PagesEvolution vs. Creationism Abstract In the history of science vs. religion there have been no issues more intensely debated than evolution vs. creationism. The issue is passionately debated since the majority of evidence is in favor of evolution, but the creation point of view can never be proved wrong because of religious belief. Human creation breaks down into three simple beliefs; creation theory, naturalistic evolution theory, and theistic evolution theory. The complexities of all threeRead More Creationism vs. Evolution Essays1663 Words  | 7 PagesCreationism vs. Evolution This paper will focus on the huge controversy between Creationism and Evolution. I will provide two opposing viewpoints on this subject. First, the discussion will focus on the question of why many people believe that God created the universe and all living things. On the other end of the spectrum, scientific information will be presented that substantiates the evidence against the existence of God. This creationism counter-argument known as evolution has itsRead More Evolution vs. Creationism Essay917 Words  | 4 Pages Evolution vs. Creationism The Evolution vs. Creationism controversy goes all the way back to the Publishing of Origin of Species in 1859 by Darwin laying the foundation for the evolution of life to be understood. Scientists are continuously finding more evidence to support Darwin’s conclusion; that organisms descended from a common ancestor modified by the mechanism of natural selection resulting in the evolution of species adapting to their environment. The following are the main geological topicsRead More Creationism vs. Evolution Essay1158 Words  | 5 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Where we come from is a question as old as mankind itself. There are countless numbers of religions, each with their own twist on the origins of earth and mankind, but one of the most highly visible debates would be creationism vs. evolution. Depending on where your beliefs lie, the Earth has been around somewhere in the neighborhood of 6,000 years to 4.5 billion years. One would tend to believe that this vast differe nce in time would make it impossible to have 2 â€Å"theories†thatRead MoreEvolution Vs. Creationism Debate1265 Words  | 6 PagesIn this paper I will be explaining two sides of the evolution vs. creationism debate. The topics I am going to write about are fossil evidence, the origin of life, and Darwin’s â€Å"theory†of natural selection. I will be presenting a view of both sides of the argument they will be on the creation side and evolution standpoint. I would suggest that you, the reader, would have a previous knowledge of all the topics so that you may get a full understanding of both sides. If there is no prior knowledgeRead MoreCreationism Vs. Evolution Essay1318 Words  | 6 Pagespublished his book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, which proposed the theory of evolution. This book, along with others that followed, began the long dispute between evolutionist and creationist. Were we created by a supernatural Supreme Being, or did our creation occur purely by chance? First, lets look at the two conflicting theories. Common usage of the term â€Å"evolution†is that living things in our world have come into existence through unguided naturalistic processesRead MoreCreationism vs. Evolution Essay1170 Words  | 5 Pagesassumptions with empirically deduced scientific theories. The Catholic Church had a nasty habit of persecuting such ideological dissent toward creationism, calling it heresy and thereby somewhat suppressing a complete upheaval of the Scriptures. For many centuries to come, the scientific research grew and developed into theories like the Big Bang and evolution, though primarily in places where such progress was tolerated. The state of Tennessee in 1925 was not such a place. In the town of DaytonRead MoreCreationism vs. Evolution Essay1349 Words  | 6 Pages Creationism is the theory that man, the earth, and the rest of the universe was originally created rather than randomly exploding from nothingness into chance existence. We reside on the surface of a small superbly crafted, autonomous self regulating space vehicle. Together with survival, conquest and death w e bear witness to beauty, fragrances, love and music. Think about this. Mathematics, philosophy, springtime, depravity, farming, courtship, quasars, and iphones; all came from nothingness?,Read MoreEssay on Evolution VS. Creationism1412 Words  | 6 Pagesof man and how all living things acquired their characteristics. The two main theories that arose over time were Creationism and Evolution, both of which provided very distinct answers to this question. Creationism based its answer on the idea of a supernatural power or being that created the entire universe, man and the numerous other organisms that live within it. While, Evolution theorizes that all living things have the potential to change and grow over time into something new and different
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