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Social Issues Essays
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Franchises as a Form of Business Start-up Essay
Establishments as a Form of Business Start-up - Essay Example The Franchisee thinks that its simpler to pay the underlying and the sovereignty expenses which are route lower than the necessary capital expense. When the expense has become a significant part of the business, Franchising has become a victor for worldwide organizations that plan to enter whatever number markets as could be expected under the circumstances in their worldwide business structure technique. McDonald's is among organizations that have an establishment with an end goal to grow their business inside new markets. The associations have benefitted from fast development, utilization of successful plans of action and diminished cost entering new markets. From this note, diversifying has become a mainstream practice because of its effectiveness in business fire up. Â In the advanced business industry, associations are encountering strain to begin new organizations in the universal market as one method of speaking to greater land space. One significant driver for expansionism in business is the immersion of neighborhood business markets. Prior to the 21st century, association strongly focussed on the development of business inside the neighborhood showcases because of the expanding interest for items inside such markets. Be that as it may, the interest in the neighborhood markets has arrived at a level stage and associations can make little benefits from these business sectors (Francois and Wooton, 2010). At the point when request stays level, associations are at the danger of bringing about misfortunes as costs go higher while the benefit stays steady (Garg, Priem and Rasheed, 2013). Subsequently, associations are compelled to move out of the nearby markets and think about going into new markets. In this manner, fall sought after inside neighb orhood nations has constrained associations to consider engaging a more extensive geological inclusion as the best way to stay gainful. Â Secondly, the upsurge of rivalry inside nearby markets has inspired associations to think about propelling worldwide business systems.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Summary and Reflection of ‘Future of Medicine Perfection and Beyond’ (Chapter 3) of Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku Essay Example
Rundown and Reflection of ‘Future of Medicine: Perfection and Beyond’ (Chapter 3) of Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku Essay The part takes the peruser through an inventive excursion of medication later on. Albeit a portion of the conceivable outcomes proposed seem like material from a sci-fi novel, they depend on rising logical discoveries. One of the subjects examined in the section is the expanding dominance of individuals to ‘play God’. Developing new innovations permit the clinical expert to perform amazing accomplishments of hereditary building. This could occur at different phases of life †from neonatal to palliative. With this capacity, individuals can expand their life expectancies, create resistance to different infections and even frustrate malignant growth utilizing nanotechnology. In part 3, Michio Kaku makes expectations and portrayals of eventual fate of medication in the entirety of its potential signs. We read of ‘nanobots’ that would work at sub-sub-atomic levels in managing contaminations and sicknesses. The creator additionally imagines progression in immature microorganism extraction and usage, whereby, new organs can be ‘harvested’ only with the seed of a couple of undifferentiated cells. On the off chance that this turns into a reality, at that point the requirement for organ transplants will be diminished. All the more critically, by utilizing organs from the patient’s own foundational microorganisms, post usable difficulties are reduced. There is accord inside established researchers about the utilization of such advancements for kindhearted and therapeutic purposes. In any case, questions and questions are brought up in utilizing these innovations for restorative or improvement reasons. These upgrades are well beyo nd what a sound human presence requires. They are intended to give ‘competitive’ advantage over companions in the developmental round of choosing the ‘fittest’ qualities. We will compose a custom exposition test on Summary and Reflection of ‘Future of Medicine: Perfection and Beyond’ (Chapter 3) of Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Summary and Reflection of ‘Future of Medicine: Perfection and Beyond’ (Chapter 3) of Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Summary and Reflection of ‘Future of Medicine: Perfection and Beyond’ (Chapter 3) of Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The author’s projections into what's to come depend on extrapolations of advances that are in their early stages. Henceforth there are various elements that bear on their future turn of events, mainly along political, socio-social, lawful and moral measurements. Be that as it may, disappointingly, Michio Kaku doesn't manage the crossing point of these areas upon the future possibilities of an innovation. Specifically, it is genuinely clear that the author’s essential concern isn't the moral issues encompassing these clinical turns of events. To this degree, the part being referred to, and the book all in all, is deficient. They are, best case scenario, specific and starry-eyed expectations of what will unwind in future innovative social orders. It misses the mark regarding exhibiting our species’ future as an inescapable accommodation to technocracy. Taking everything into account, the work makes for a fascinating read however comes up short on the conviction that goes with actuality. In spite of this defect, one can't excuse it impromptu, for it offers key bits of knowledge into a considerable lot of the bleeding edge mechanical advancements that have occurred lately. For a general crowd that isn't familiar with logical wording, understanding these ideas can be troublesome. To the author’s credit he mitigates this issue by downplaying the languages. He additionally utilizes clear articulations and simple rationale to tissue out his contentions. By and large, perusing the part will be an exciting yet interesting experience for the peruser, as it had been for me. Reference: Kaku, Michio (March 2011). Material science of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny And Our Daily Lives constantly 2100. Doubleday. The part takes the peruser through an innovative excursion of medication later on. Albeit a portion of the potential outcomes proposed seem like material from a sci-fi novel, they depend on rising logical forward leaps. One of the subjects talked about in the part is the expanding authority of individuals to ‘play God’. Advancing new advances permit the clinical expert to perform shocking accomplishments of hereditary building. This could occur at different phases of life †from neonatal to palliative. With this capacity, individuals can enlarge their life expectancies, create invulnerability to different infections and even impede malignant growth utilizing nanotechnology. In part 3, Michio Kaku makes expectations and portrayals of eventual fate of medication in the entirety of its potential appearances. We read of ‘nanobots’ that would work at sub-sub-atomic levels in managing contaminations and ailments. The creator additionally imagines progression in undifferentiated cell extraction and usage, whereby, new organs .
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner :: essays research papers
In Samuel Taylor Coleridge's sonnet The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the creator utilizes the narrative of a mariner and his experiences to uncover parts of life. This story follows the Mariner and his team as they travel between the equator and the south post, and afterward back to England. The writer's utilization of imagery loans the work to grown-ups as a mind boggling web of portrayal, as opposed to a kids' book about a sailor.First, in the sonnet, the boat represents the collection of man. The boat encounters hardships similarly as a genuine individual does. Its conveying the Mariner (representing the individual soul) and team shows that Coleridge considered the to be as a simple vessel of the spirit. This image of a vessel is a particularly amazing one, since one cows a boat to a degree, yet its destiny lies in the hands of the breezes and currents.Secondly, the gooney bird represents Christ. Similarly as the Mariner pointlessly kills the feathered creature, man executes Chris t whose flawlessness is unchallenged. Despite the fact that Christ speaks to humankind's one possibility at accomplishing Heaven, man keeps on abusing Him. The gooney bird represents the mariners' one possibility at liberation from frigid passing and the Mariner shoots him.Thirdly, the South Pole represents Hell. No obvious breeze blows the sad group toward the South Pole. Or maybe, an inconspicuous power pulls them there. Such is the situation when the world's enticements draw one to Hell. Similarly as the mariners approach far to near this frigid limbo, their Redeemer, the gooney bird, or if nothing else his soul, drives them securely back in the privilege direction.Fourthly, in the sonnet England represents Heaven. At the point when the Mariner first observes his nation, an extraordinary feeling of expectation and bliss beat him. Right when the Mariner is going to enter Heaven, the body, represented by the boat, must kick the bucket.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
A Novel About A Vampire Who Disrupts The Lives Of Jonathan...
Bram Stoker’s â€Å"Dracula,†a novel about a vampire who disrupts the lives of Jonathan Harker and his friends, seems to turn the sequence of events into an expression of the fears and anxieties that are prevalent in Victorian society. Lucy Westenra could be seen as the Ideal Victorian woman through her purity and beauty. However, such moments as â€Å"why can’t they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her,†disrupts that idea (64). The novel registers concern about women’s gender and sexuality. Indeed, Dracula can be read as a warning of what will happen to woman who exhibit these behaviors through showing and comparing the experiences of Lucy, the vampire sisters and Mina. Such concerns are resolved by the end of the novel with the death of Lucy and the vampire sisters symbolizing the death of the sexual New Woman. In Dracula, Lucy embodies some of the characteristics of an ideal Victorian woman. She is praised for her exceptional bea uty, with her looks being focused on throughout the novel. She gets attention from a multitude of men and is even proposed to three times in one day. Her attention from these men show that men during this time see perceive Lucy as an ideal Victorian women. In Quincy’s letter to Arthur he describes Arthur as having â€Å"won the noblest heart that God has made and the best worth winning†(Stoker, 68). To men Lucy is the best woman that a man could hope to wed. Quincy also describes Lucy as a â€Å"brave girl†and praises her for her honor to theShow MoreRelatedHomosexuality in Victorian and Elizabethan Literature.6608 Words  | 27 Pagesas a basis for their novels. Bram Stoker told a story about a vampire that challenged the Victorian gender roles and managed to reverse them, making men faint like women, and making women powerful like men, and called it Dracula. Mary Shelley created a a physical being out of a mans suppressed homosexuality due to his Victori an male upbringing; a man named Frankenstein. Robert Stevenson described what happens when a homosexual male attempts to live double lives to cover up his true feelings, and entitled
Friday, May 15, 2020
How Should Schools Address Bullying - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 972 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/02/15 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Bullying Essay School Bullying Essay Did you like this example? In order to establish a more conducive environment for learning, diverse educational institutions, especially K-12 schools, have adopted different strategies and rules to address school bullying. School bullying has adversely affected the lives of millions of individuals all over the United States (US). In a study conducted by John D. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How Should Schools Address Bullying" essay for you Create order Grant, it was explained that around 15% to 20% of American students have been adversely affected by school bullying (Grant 418). It should be noted that Grant’s study was conducted way back in 2001; there have been diverse efforts to quell school bullying since that year, interestingly, the problem still persist, prompting experts in the field of social science and other related fields to conduct studies that try to understand the different factors that make anti bullying initiatives highly effective. Upon a careful consideration of the findings of such scientific studies, this essay argues that, contrary to the common belief that heavier penalties will inevitably lead to the decrease in the occurrence of bullying, the main components that make anti bullying initiatives really work are empathy and consistency. It is tempting to hastily infer that heavier penalties against bullying will surely address the issue. This perception is based on the idea that fear is a very important factor in quelling crimes or inappropriate behaviors. Interestingly, it has been proven time and again, that inflicting fear on â€Å"would be†assailants does not reduce crime rate significantly; this is the case with the concept of preventing heinous crimes by imposing death penalty (Brandt and Kovandzic 1). Diverse studies have shown that this approach does not work at all. While bullying and heinous crimes are different, the idea that inflicting fear for prevention does not work on the former, as well. In fact, in a study conducted by John C. LeBlanc, it was revealed that children who were raised from families that impose harsh discipline, which intends to impose more fear towards the subject, tend to have higher propensity of become school bullies. The same observations were made on students who were brought up on single parent homes, and homes with low cohesion (LeBlanc 411). Note that these findings by LeBlanc suggest that bullies are victims of adverse social environments in their respective homes. As victims, they should also receive help. Thus, it is not surprising to learn that, what is shown to work effectively against bullying is helping bullies develop empathy towards their victims rather them coercing them through fear. In a study conducted by Claire F. Garandeau and her fellow researchers, it was shown that empathy arousal shows better results in preventing future bullying incidents compared to condemning or blaming the perpetrator. One of the most effective ways to arouse the bully’s empathy is make them realize the pains that they have caused to their victims. The study particularly pertained to the fear felt by the bully’s victim as one of the causes that anti-bullying school officials should let the bully know in order to arouse empathy (Garandeau et al. 1036). Another important finding in previous studies that prove the thesis of this paper is shown in a study conducted by Stephanie L. Ayers and her fellow researchers. The study has investigated the impact of sanctions and rules approach in bullying, buy reviewing the records of more than 1, 200 K-12 students in the US. Results of their study revealed that there is not empirical evidence to prove that this approach significantly reduces bullying incidents or improve school safety. What was proven, however, is that schools that tend to implement their rules consistently tend to have lower bullying rates compared to those that are not consistent, and those that focus more on the â€Å"zero-tolerance†policies (Ayers et al. 540). The idea of advocating empathy and consistency instead of heavier or more serious penalties to inflict fear and prevent the occurrence of school bullying is based on the assumption that all school children – spectators, bullies, and victims, included – need help in ensuring their positive youth development and not on finding faults and punishing them. In other words, the proposed approach assumes that spectators, bullies, and victims are all victims of bullying who need help from school officials (LeBlanc 411). Thus bullying can only be efficiently reduced, if not totally stopped, not through coercion but through persuasion (Hui et al. 2266). What appears to be commonsensical is not always the best solution for many social issues like school bullying. For example, it is easy to infer that fear deters bad behaviors; however, diverse scientific studies prove that such is rarely the case. Bullying is far more complex than what it seems; it is caused by diverse factors such as bully’s bad experiences at home. Thus it is important to understand and acknowledge that bully’s need help as much as the victims of bullying. Such help can be given by helping the former learn and develop empathy through the heartfelt and consistent implementation of anti bullying rules and laws within the school environment. Works Cited Ayers, Stephanie L. et al. â€Å"Examining school-based bullying interventions using multilevel discrete time hazard modeling†Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research vol. 13,5 (2012): 539-50. Brandt, Patrick T. and Tomislav V. Kovandzic. â€Å"Messing Up Texas?: A Re-Analysis of the Effects of Executions on Homicides†PloS one vol. 10,9 e0138143. 23 Sep. 2015, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0138143 Garandeau, Claire F. et al. â€Å"School Bullies Intention to Change Behavior Following Teacher Interventions: Effects of Empathy Arousal, Condemning of Bullying, and Blaming of the Perpetrator†Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research vol. 17,8 (2016): 1034-1043. Grant, John D. â€Å"Schoolyard bullying: It needs to be addressed†Paediatrics child health vol. 6,7 (2001): 418-20. Hui, Eadaoin K. P. et al. â€Å"Combating school bullying through developmental guidance for positive youth development and promoting harmonious school culture†TheScientificWorldJournal vol. 11 (2011): 2266-77. LeBlanc, John C. â€Å"Bullying: Its not just a school problem†Paediatrics child health vol. 6,7 (2001): 411-413.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Notes On Human Resource Management - 3007 Words
HRM502 Human Resource Management Submitted by: Submitted to: Andrea Sloan Final Report of Holden EXECTIVE SUMMARY Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Layoff planning of Holden 4 2.1Downsizing 5 2.2 Alternatives to downsizing 5 2.3 Limitations 5 2.4 Benefits of downsizing for Holden 6 3. Performance management system in Holden 6 3.1 Set and regularly revise HOLDEN Directives 7 3.2 Translate Holden Directives to Goals throughout organization 7 3.3 Performance appraisal 7 3.4 Training and development 8 3.5 Job redesign 8 4. Reward Management system of Holden 8 4.1 Motivation 9 4.2 Job satisfaction 9 4.3 Compensation 10 4.4 Benefits to employees†¦show more content†¦Due to which we decide to down size the workforce with the help of retrenchment programs for the skill workforce to maintain the Holden manufacturing within its financial budget. This retrenchment program will be designed as a voluntary retrenchment program in which, we allowed the employees and gave them an opportunity to leave the Holden by them. In short the cut down of employees to move forward. With this program the rest of the employees feel safe with their job because we are not firing our self any employee (Musteen, 2011).The retrenchment can cause more high class thinking among the employees which can be adapted for the long time in Holden. 2.1 Downsizing: Downsizing focused on altogether at expense control frequently neglects to turn around the fortunes of Holden confronting decrease, since it may neglect to perceive the underlying reason for the expense emergency. Downsizing could be an alternate apparatus in the managerial pack sack to put the Holden headed straight toward command instead of death. Downsizing need not be a touchy, transient brisk fix, nor does it fundamentally include sudden, extreme layoffs and serious hierarchical disturbance. It should be carefully manage because talent management and skill workforce would be needed as a backup of Holden, so the main idea is to downsize the casual workforce or part time workers and use a casualization strategy for the permanent workforceShow MoreRelatedNotes On Human Resource Management Essay2237 Words  | 9 Pages805: Human Resource Management in Innovation Facilitator Fiona Tyrie Assignment # 1 Total No. of Pages 8 (Including cover) Submission Date 22/04/2015 Date received by facilitator ------------------- Date returned to student ------------------- 1. Purpose Human resource is a vital component of every organisation for their effective function and achievement of their objectives. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Reflective Report Global Citizenship
Question: Discuss about theReflective Report for Global Citizenship. Answer: Introduction: Reflection on Interviews: I must say that prior getting contacted with the students of La Trobe I only had theoretical knowledge about global citizenship or inter-cultural communication. The interviews that were conducted by me helped me to enhance my knowledge towards the concept of Global citizen. Interviewing the students of La Trobe helped me a lot to develop my understanding. All the students were very cooperative and they gracefully participated in my academic project. I do not have to make any kind of formality with them and they responded to my queries very enthusiastically. The University has students from around the Globe including USA, Europe and Asian countries like Bangladesh, India as well. It is for the same reason I got the opportunity of understanding the Global culture. I observed that the students from the Asian Countries especially from India and Bangladesh felt a little awkward while sharing their experience or interviewing with me. It was perhaps because they were not so fluent in Englis h. I observed that they had a different accent of English and they usually face problems to understand the accent of the Australian or the students who has US origin. I must include that the University has opened its door for any person seeking for academic opportunities and has been successful as well in attracting students from around the Globe. The university is highly been internationalized in terms of its culture as well as education system. In terms of Global Citizenship I must say that the Australia based students were very friendly towards the other students and I did not find any kind of mismatch among these people. They were friends. This has automatically given me the impression that the people have adopted global citizenship irrespective of any kind of forceful act. Therefore, I can say that these things or characteristics develop within an individual when they fall under such situation. At the time of conducting the interviews, when I asked a few foreigners about their future plans, they said they shall return to their own country and shall continue their professional life there only. I have observed that many students from around the Globe come to Australia to pursue their education but they are not found to continue their professional career here. There was a girl who had plans for marriage in her future rather than any other professional goals. In such cases, I can say that it completely depends on a persons choice and thinking about their future goals. If certain issues that I shall identify in terms of the native people then I must take this into consideration that the culture of the people are not same. European and especially the British people are much disciplined and they want to live a peaceful life, they are not the exact fun loving people. I have observed that they were very direct to their answer rather than making any kind of fun. There has been an att itude of these people that showed that they are superior to others. On the other hand, when I asked the same thing to an Australia origin student, I found that they are more fun loving and they like to enjoy their time more than devoting it to studies or other serious activities. My second round of interview was also conducted in the premises of La Trobe University. I found that not only the students but other faculties of the University were also supportive and they nicely spoke to me and answered my queries. At a certain point of time, I faced problem regarding because one of the authorities was busy and could not make it up for the face to faced interview. Nevertheless, we had a telephonic conversation and he answered my queries over the phone calls only. It has to be mentioned here that there is a major difference between a face to face interview and that is done over the phone. I was completely unaware of the body language of the person and whether the questions were clear to him or not. Furthermore, it might also happen that the person could not link the queries with himself and just gave a neutral answer to the questions that I asked without further going into details. In terms of multi-cultural work place, I must say that Australia is rich in its multi-cultural diversity. The people are very friendly and they are present to help each at every instance (Isin, 2013). In terms of higher authority as well, there were many people who do not have their origin here in Australia but they are at quite a high designated position. This clearly states that the Australian culture supports the inter-cultural relationship and other forms of interactions. I have understood that it is only by the help of the people of a particular nation, others can learn about the culture and the ethics of a particular country (Reysen Katzarska-Miller, 2013). It will be a wrong expectation from a person who has come from abroad to acknowledge things about the nation that they are currently residing in. Therefore, it can be easily claimed that it is the responsibility of the people of the country to teach others about their culture and other diversities. In case, if it is found t hat a person from the abroad is not able to match themselves with the culture of the new country, it is the responsibility of the citizen of that country to help him or her to overcome such challenges (Martin Nakayama, 2013). Human behaviour and the treatment that one get in a foreign country implies the culture of that country. If I have to find certain flaws in the University that does not support internationalization, then it has to be mentioned that the University does not offer any kind of other language courses for the foreign students. The University might start a number of courses or subjects that are related to the European or the French culture (, 2016). In fact, the Indian history is also important and it attracts many students towards learning and understanding the culture and history of India. Moreover, the University has the provision of a good number of Asian students. Therefore, it is recommended that the University come up with a diversification of courses in its academic lists that shall attract more students. In addition to this, there should be strict guidelines drawn for the students that irrespective ones culture or ethnic background, each and every student must be treated equally and with respect. There are a variety of ethnic groups and their culture varies from one grou p to the other (Watkins Glover, 2016). Adapting to this dynamic nature of a particular place or region makes a person eligible to cope to with the culture. It has to be remembered that schools or Universities are the places where people learn things that is portrayed in their later life situations. Therefore, providing a proper education in terms of understanding the nature of the diversity in the world is important (Keyman Iduygu, 2013). It has to be understood that each and every country has their own culture, language, tradition that marks them with a separate identification. However, this difference shall not become a threat for the world. It is for the same reason, understanding the importance of being culturally diverse and the ability of tolerance towards other culture is important. Reflection on Weekly Discussion: The weekly discussions were based on several factors like global citizenship, intercultural communication and other such topics. In terms of understanding these concepts I must say that I was completely unaware of the actual meaning of these terms. Primarily I used to think that a person who has got the citizenship of the whole world is said to be a Global citizen however, my misconception was cleared after I attended the weekly discussion classes. I have understood that Global citizenship is a kind of responsibility that has to be undertaken by an individual to become a part of the globe (Keyman Iduygu, 2013). In this emerging world, there has been increasing impact of globalization and it is for the same reason, it has become important that an individual must have the sense of global citizenship and must be aware of the lifestyle and the culture of the people from around the world. In case of understanding the intercultural communication, one thing is clear to me that diversity in terms of culture is highest in the academic institutions rather than any other places. I have understood that the ability of a person to undertake the difference of culture varies. Some have limited capability to deal with culturally diverse people and it is when a dilemma arises between two people. Interaction is very important to understand the culture of other people. Segregation and narrow communication has declined the opportunity of people to know about each other and develop a better understanding of the cultural diversity. In this respect, it has to be mentioned that with the increasing impact of the availability of internet and the development of various social networking sites as well, the opportunity of knowing people from different countries having different culture and ethnic background has increased a lot. People support other people of different nations by any raising t heir voice using the social media as the basic platform. In the recent gay-lesbian movement, whole world found to support the people asking for their basic rights. These are the symptoms that shows that the difference of the cultural barrier is decreasing and the people are getting involved in making themselves a part of the world culture. Another perspective of culture that I like to mention here is that there has been an increasing havoc regarding the increasing terrorism activities. It has been pointed out that the Muslim or the Arab nations are the main reason behind the declining situation of the worlds safety. It is for the same reason there has been a creation of terror among the people in respect to this particular Islam culture. However, in my opinion, terrorism has nothing to do with religion. The reasons are different for the increasing terror activities and it has nothing to do with the culture or the religion of a place or people (Fonagy et al., 2016). If a particular religion has a definite culture and customs, it shall be addressed with greater respect. The best understanding about the intercultural behaviour and communication as well was gained at the time of interaction with the people of the University. The kind of enthusiasm that the students showed at the time of participation was very encouraging. People there had different attitudes towards the program but with the answers received from them it was evident that the students understand the importance of cultural diversity in the society (Keyman Iduygu, 2013). The University has a website of them, which was also helpful. There were students available for online chats and used to help to resolve any kind of query at any point of time. They respect each others culture and with the passage of time, they have developed a mutual understanding for each others. It has to be mentioned here that making distinction in respect to different cultural values will result in the increase of hatred and difference and shall not improve the condition of the world (Keyman Iduygu, 2013). I can share my personal experience here. I have never been culturally or ethically being bullied or disrespected. I have friends who belong to different cultures and are from different countries of the world but these factors never created any kind of negative impact in my life. I have to say that I have improved my personality a lot by keeping a good contact with these groups of people. In fact the interview session at La Trobe was also a learning experience for me. All these things are definitely going to help me in my future both in my academic career as well as in professional career. References: Bradham, W. S., Collins, S., Miller, K., Carlise, J., Sperling, M., Fermann, G. J., ... Spinale, F. G. (2013). Profiling Determinants Reflective of Heart Failure and Matrix Remodeling Stratify Patients Presenting With Acute Dyspnea and Early Hospital Readmission.Circulation,128(Suppl 22), A13825-A13825. Carbaugh, D. (2013).Cultural communication and intercultural contact. Routledge. Casmir, F. L. (2013).Ethics in intercultural and international communication. Routledge. Fonagy, P., Luyten, P., Moulton-Perkins, A., Lee, Y. W., Warren, F., Howard, S., ... Lowyck, B. (2016). Development and validation of a self-report measure of mentalizing: the Reflective Functioning Questionnaire.PloS One,11(7), e0158678. Isin, E. F. (2013).Democracy, citizenship and the global city. Routledge. Jandt, F. E. (2015).An introduction to intercultural communication: Identities in a global community. Sage Publications. Keyman, F., Iduygu, A. 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